
Ubuntu Theater Project's 2014 Summer Theater Festival

I'm super excited to be involved with Ubuntu Theater Project. Ever since they took the Bay Area (and my news feed) by storm last year, I've been curious about their work. Since moving home, I've been looking for an artistic home. And before I joined the San Francisco Neo-Futurists, I stalked these fine folks at UTP to see how I could get involved. People whose work I love and trust love and trust these folks. And tada. Now I'm involved as UTP's Communications Manager.

Here comes the ask. We're raising money for our 2014 Summer Theater Festival. $8,000, in fact.

You might be experiencing donor fatigue. (I sure am.) But look at all these people who got together and decided to make something. And if making something for making its sake isn't enough (it isn't always for me) know this: this festival is four weeks long, comprising six shows and covering three cities. Over 30 UC San Diego MFA actors, designers and directors are coming together to make this happens. On top of our full-time jobs and full-time demands as students, these passionate people are rehearsing and creating their hearts out to invigorate Bay Area theatre.

Our theatre is "affordable, social, and cutting edge." Not unlike what Hungry River Theatre Co. stood for.

So please, if you can, spare a few bucks or lend us your eyes, your news feeds. We'll fill your hearts.

Donate today to bring Ubuntu Theater Project back to Oakland.

P.S. More news about my current artistic project, Keeper of My Heart's Odd Secrets in the next post.
P.P.S. The inimitable Emily Chao donated her time, energy and expertise to create UTP's Kickstarter video. #likeaboss